Let’s begin with an unusual beginning: an excerpt from an unusual Eye of Prophecy article.

Entitled: A Dramatic Enactment of the Rapture (posted 4-20-19), which was a seven-act play … preceded and followed by commentary.

In Acts One, Two, and Three, characters were introduced from Israel, the United States, and Australia … respectively. With the initial stage of the Rapture beginning in those three acts, then ending for each set of characters in Acts Four through Six.

The following scene is Act Four which fits nicely with Rapture Essentials Number Four and Five, coming up shortly.

*Note: Netanya is a real town in Israel. In this (fictitious) Jewish family Eitan is the husband; Esther is the wife; Netanya (named after the town) and Naphtali their daughter and son.

Netanya, Israel (7:10 PM)

Eitan Shaked nestled close to his wife. He held the hand of their son, Naphtali. Esther grasped Netanya’s arm. As they stood at Benjamin’s gravesite, Eitan counted five other believers from his congregation who evidently had the same idea as him. They, too, were standing near graves of family or friends. They waved to each other with shouts of, “Yes!”

The Shofar sounded again. If there was any doubt that the first three were global, this fourth blast was surely being carried on every sound wave existing in and above the earth’s atmosphere. Millions of megaphones and loudspeakers could not have produced a sound so strong, so pure, so universal; yet so moderate as to not burst ear drums.

He immediately recognized it as the fourth and final of the Jewish Shofar sequence that had been handed down through tradition by and to the Jews for centuries. But now it was for all believers in Messiah … Jew and Gentile alike.

Though it was difficult to speak and hear, Esther asked, “Will this be the final Shofar?”

“Yes, I’m sure it will,” Eitan said. “It’s almost time.”

He had just finished speaking when they heard the voice from above, “Children of the Most High God; the appointed time has come.”

“I’m pretty sure that was the voice of the archangel,” Eitan said.

Eitan glanced at his watch again. He was about to tell Esther how much time had elapsed from the first blast, when the fourth Shofar stopped suddenly, not gradually like the others. Within seconds, the expected, but nonetheless stunning scene unfolded. Benjamin’s grave exploded as did a few others in the cemetery.

“Mom, Dad, look!” Netanya yelled.

They watched in total awe as Benjamin’s remains were lifted from his grave by an unseen hand. Then, ten, maybe fifteen seconds later, his skeletal form was radically changed. Too fast for Eitan or anyone else to see how. They only saw the results.

Benjamin stood on the ground and looked directly at them, then at his body.

He was enshrouded in white clothing they had never seen before or knew existed. If it was a robe, it seemed almost transparent, as if it was part of his form. His entire body and face were indescribably perfect. As though he had just been born that way without the imperfections that develop with age.

Immediately, Eitan realized this was the spiritual body spoken of by the Apostle Paul. It was as though Benjamin’s spirit was on the outside enveloping his flawless features, instead of the unseen spirit on the inside of a natural blemished body. The two, body and spirit were one. Beautifully blended one with the other. Both visible, yet indivisible.

Eitan knew that the same thing was happening to resurrected believers the world over. For those who had been cremated, the Lord was raising their ashes, bringing them together with the same supernatural force that rolled away the stone at Jesus’s tomb. With the same instantaneous transformation as the decomposing and skeleton bodies. So, too, the remains of those buried at sea.

“Benjamin, it’s you. You’re much better than…” Eitan couldn’t finish.

He felt a burst of energy that seemed to come from inside out but also outside in. It was over before he saw anything else. His wife Esther had been an attractive woman. It was not just in his beholding eye; others had told him the same thing. There she stood next to him more beautiful than she had ever been. An appearance that wasn’t sexual at all; rather a supernatural loveliness that transcended anything natural. An ageless beauty that was immortal.

So, too, Netanya and Naphtali. Changed dramatically, but just as dramatically the same person … each one of them.

“Look at you!” Benjamin pointed to Eitan.

“Look at you!” Eitan trumpeted in return.

“Look at our kids,” Esther exclaimed. “Same age, but older. How can that be!”

“Hallelujah,” Eitan roared.

“Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised,” Esther shouted.

In unison, Netanya and Naphtali said, “We love you Jesus.”

Which as it turned out was right on cue. The next voice thundered from above, from everywhere.


“That was Jesus himself,” Eitan shouted. His watch was gone, but he estimated that from the first shofar had been maybe fourteen or fifteen minutes.

Immediately the raised dead and those still alive and transformed began to rise in the air … exactly how, they did not know. By whom, they knew for sure. It wasn’t a fast ascent like a kite, nor was it slow like a hot air balloon. There was time for ecstasy to look around at other believers within sight rising simultaneously. And for a passing moment, a time of sadness when looking down at the many who were staring into the sky.

A Brief Review

Before examining the next four essentials of the Rapture, here are the first three covered in last week’s article:

Essential Number One: The Rapture Is Real

Essential Number Two: The Rapture Precedes The Great Tribulation

Essential Number Three: The Rapture & Physical Return of Christ Are Different Events

To include the following excerpt from that previous post:

*Note: A reminder before we continue with the remaining Rapture essentials. These Part I & Part II articles are but a summary of the Rapture features that are examined in much more detail through several prior Eye of Prophecy articles….

Also, a reminder that—with a modified exception (as close as it gets to doctrinally requiring a Pre-Tribulation Rapture) of the next essential, Number Two—the component features of the Rapture itself is something that should not separate true believers to the point of division. That for the following well-known paradigm (and only this paradigm or purpose) the Rapture would best fit into the non-essentials category:

That every prophecy is vital to the Christian faith, even if there is a difference of opinion over some prophecies.

Although the next feature of the Rapture is no more or less important than the other six, it is, perhaps, the most intriguing. One that many believers, including Bible prophecy teachers, have not considered carefully enough. Why? Because they assume that the “the blink of an eye” phenomenon in I Corinthians 15 applies or equates to the entire Rapture episode which is found in I Thessalonians 4.

Essential Number Four: Only the Transformation (Itself) of Believers Will Take Place in the Blink of an Eye

Conversely, the series of Rapture events revealed in I Thessalonians Chapter 4, will assuredly take several minutes. In fact, as glorious as it will be for believers, would be even better if it lasted an hour or so!

For an in-depth examination and clarification of this extraordinary component of the Rapture, please refer to Eye of Prophecy post: The Shout Heard Around the World (4-22-17). Early in that article I established a premise—the first part of which applies more to Rapture Essential Number Five, with the last sentence relating to Essential Number Four:

Premise: Contrary to the prevailing notion even among well-known students of prophecy, this shout and series of trumpet calls will be heard by the entire world, not just believers taken to heaven in the Rapture. And, all the sights and sounds of the entire sequence of the Rapture will last for several minutes. Only the transfiguration of the bodies of both the dead in Christ and believers alive at the Rapture will take place in “the blink of an eye.”

From there, I went on to emphasize the importance of correctly separating but also correlating (both are necessary) the two main Rapture passages. As follows:

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up (harpazo) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever” (I Thessalonians 4:16-17, parenthesis mine; harpazo is the Greek world for “caught up” from which we get the Latin term Rapture).

Next is Paul’s second disclosure of the Rapture, which provides additional information to I Thessalonians 4:

“But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed! It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed… our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies” (I Corinthians 15:51-53).

That article included excerpts from one of the first five Eye of Prophecy articles: How the Rapture?

For the past several decades, every commentary, sermon, book, or article that deals with this passage–at least everything I’ve heard and read–consolidates, by default, the dynamics of this passage on the Rapture with the other main passage found in I Thessalonians Chapter 4. With a resulting conclusion that the entire scope or sequential events of the Rapture will transpire at warp speed … blink of an eye. For sure, the two passages are intricately related; but there is also a specific variance found in I Corinthians 15 that is profoundly distinct from the companion passage in I Thessalonians Chapter 4.

In I Corinthians 15, what is it precisely that takes place in the nanosecond blink of an eye? A little hint: To one thing only, which (blink of an eye) does not apply to the rest of the Rapture events described in I Thessalonians 4, in terms of those events also taking place in a split-second.

Here is where we students of the Bible (including myself) overlooked or took for granted one little (impersonal) pronoun. Because we skimmed over this two-letter word, we missed or dismissed the important textual relationship of this pronoun to the antecedent that immediately precedes it….

First defining “antecedent.” Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines antecedent as: “One that goes before … a substantive word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun …a word or group of words replaced and referred to by a substitute…”

The substitute is almost always a pronoun found immediately after the “substantive word or phrase”, which is the case in I Corinthians 15: 51-52. So let’s break it down.

First, the phrase in this passage: “…but we will all be transformed!”

Second, the pronoun, “It “, which begins the very next verse, “It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye….”

Can you make the connection? What specifically is “it” referencing or taking the place of in the text? You got it: It is referring to and the same thing as what Paul just said would occur which is, “…but we will all be transformed.”

The Apostle Paul further explains “it” (meaning the actual transformation itself, which is the astonishing change of our earthly body to that of our brand new heavenly body) by explaining how it (the transfiguration) will take place. “It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye.”

When will it happen?

Answer: “…when the last trumpet is blown.”

In the New King James Version of the Bible we read:

Continuing with the excerpt:

Notice, that the pronoun (it) is not found in this translation. Why? Because the connection between the action of “changed” (transformed) and the how of the change (twinkling of an eye) is inseparable, irrefutable, and exclusive. Both passages contain essentially the same composition; with the New Living Translation and other translations (such as the Jewish Bible) accurately and emphatically reinforcing the translation from Greek to English, by use of a pronoun that substitutes for the mystery of the transformation itself.

I hope you see this as much more than just a boring exercise in grammar and syntax. It is exceptionally significant that we understand what is going on in this passage. Saying it another way: The only thing that will happen in a moment or blink of an eye … is the actual physical transfiguration of our earthly bodies. The “it” does not apply to anything else in this passage; nor can “the transformation” specifically apply to the events so majestically portrayed in I Thessalonians Chapter 4. In fact, I Thessalonians 4 doesn’t say anything about the blink of an eye transformation at all. But we have inadvertently extended or expanded the instantaneous change found in I Corinthians 15 to include the entire sequence of events described in I Thessalonians 4.

It is (obviously) speculation regarding the precise time involved … no one can know for sure. But based on the supreme significance of the number seven or its multiples (especially applicable for the end times—including the sevens in Revelation), the progression of the Rapture will most likely take…?

Well, here is a final excerpt from, The Shout Heard Around the World.

Whether the entire Rapture sequence takes seven minutes or fourteen or somewhere in between….

This will allow time for such things as: pulling cars over to the side of the road; awaking in the middle of the night from a deep sleep; turning off the T.V or loud music; stop the yelling at someone; hugging your un-believing spouse or friend good-bye; the short, but most intense praise and worship ever experienced by Christians on this earth; and, hopefully, a few minutes for some foxhole conversions all over the world.

Do you see what difference it would make and how it could enhance and expand our view of and increase even more our enthusiasm for the Rapture, if the order of events in the Rapture took place over several minutes? It would be far more than just a “poof” one second here, next second gone type of experience. Next to the triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ, it will be the greatest celebration of joy ever experienced by believers in Christ. And in real-time and space no less; no special effects, no suspension of time, no virtual reality … just the real thing. None of which (except for the transfiguration of our bodies) can or will take place in the twinkling of an eye.

Now that’s something to shout about!

This fourth essential seamlessly leads to the next one that is also misjudged by many Bible teachers and students.

Essential Number Five: The Rapture Will Be Seen and Heard by Those Left Behind

For several decades and for whatever reason, the prevalent portrayal of the Rapture is that believers will simply disappear without those left behind hearing or seeing anything.

Why? Perhaps because of the Bible’s description of Enoch’s departure from the earth while still alive. “Enoch lived sixty-five years, and became the father of Methuselah… So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years” (Genesis 5:21-23).

Then in that genealogy chapter of Genesis, Scripture simply but mysteriously, says:

That is a quote from the New American Standard Bible, with other older translations of Scripture virtually identical.

However, The New Living Translation—from which I use and quote most often—translates verse 24 as, “Then one day he disappeared, because God took him.”

Although I understand why the NLT translators wanted to emphasize the descriptive abruptness of Enoch’s departure from the earth, the word “disappeared” is probably stretching the text a bit too far.

When God took Enoch to heaven without dying, the implication from the text is that this departure was somewhat abrupt. Meaning one day he was there and the next day, hour, or minute he was not. But not necessarily that abrupt; not necessarily without warning or preparation.

There is certainly nothing in this passage to indisputably indicate that Enoch just disappeared without any warning whatsoever—although it could have happened that way. Nor any statement or suggestion that no one saw Enoch being taken to heaven. It very well could have occurred somewhat like Elijah’s transition to heaven. I am not speaking of the supernatural way in which Elijah was taken (chariot of fire). Rather, I’m referring to the fact that Elijah’s protégé Elisha (and other prophets) were told ahead of time and even saw him being taken away.

Although Enoch was a personal preview of the Rapture, this prototype of raptured believers is in principle only. He (his departure) was not a precise pattern. Other than the parallel principle of Enoch taken to heaven without experiencing death, there is no indication in the Genesis text (stated or implied) that he experienced anything like what I Thessalonians 4 describes for believers at the Rapture, from beginning to end. For that matter, neither I Thessalonians 4 nor I Corinthians 15 state or even imply that believers will disappear (in a nanosecond) at the Rapture.

Moreover, there is nothing in those passages to insinuate that the left behind will neither see nor hear the sights and sounds of the Rapture.

Here is another excerpt from How the Rapture? Posted August 2013. (In italics):

Normally, the blowing of the shofar was not a simple quick, one-time burst of sound. Rather, it entailed a series of blasts lasting several minutes, with each part of the series different from the others, and sometimes each component part repeated.

Nowhere in Scripture do we find that only God’s people heard trumpet calls or the blasts from a shofar. All within earshot, including their enemies, heard the shofar sound. In the Bible, we also see events in which God’s prophets and sometimes the people saw and heard angels or the pre-incarnate Christ, but so did unbelievers. Remember Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the book of Daniel. Those three were thrown into the hotter-than-hot furnace, but how many men did Nebuchadnezzar see when he peered into the furnace? That’s right: Four. And the fourth was none other than the pre-incarnate Messiah.

Was it only Saul who heard the voice of Jesus on the road to Damascus? No, his accomplices also heard the voice that spoke to Saul. They didn’t actually see Jesus, but then neither did Saul; he only saw the blinding light that caused him three days of blindness. My point and premise: I’m wondering how we ever arrived at the notion that those left behind at the Rapture won’t hear the trumpet calls, and not see perhaps a flash of light or afterglow or radiance or some tangible evidence at the precise spot where a believer miraculously changed in front of them when the final trumpet call was sounded. Why would God close the ears or the eyes of the unsaved? Seeing and hearing is often believing.

With the Biblical precedents and parallels to support the premise that the entire world will hear the trumpets and, conversely, the lack of reference in Scripture to say otherwise, why wouldn’t God want the world to see and hear the Rapture? I’m convinced that many will immediately fall down on their knees and call upon the name of the Lord to save them. This applies not only to the trumpets, but also to the Lord’s shout and the voice of the archangel. Why wouldn’t they be heard the world over?

…We’ve mistakenly (meaning without any direct support or evidence from Scripture), assumed that the microsecond change of our bodies’ means that those bodies instantly vanish. Since the blink of an eye phenomenon relates only to the actual transfiguration itself, why do we also equate that with a split-second disappearance?

I Thessalonians 4 tells us that we will be “caught up” in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

Why would caught up necessarily equate to an instant vanishing? Remember how Jesus ascended to heaven as described in Acts 1: 9-11? All who were with him saw him rising into heaven, until they could no longer see him. One of the two angels who showed up even said, “Why are you standing here staring into heaven?” There was no vanishing going on… Why wouldn’t our meeting Jesus in the clouds be just like His ascension to heaven?

In summary: The lightning quick transfiguration of believers will preclude those left behind from seeing or processing that phenomenal part of the Rapture. However, many of those left behind will witness most if not all the other Rapture dynamics, including the astonishing ascension of transformed believers on their way to meet Jesus in the air.

Essential Number Six: Only Some Children Will Be Taken

This essential of the Rapture might be the most controversial.

Reason: Nearly all teachers and students of the Bible hold to the notion (as did I at one time) that ALL children under the age of innocence or accountability—too young to make an informed decision whether to accept Jesus as personal Savior—will be taken during the Rapture.

However, for reasons provided in a couple of Eye of Prophecy articles and also in my first book (novel), O Israel … the end is the beginning for those left behind, I am convinced that none of the children of those left behind (unbelievers) will be taken.

Please refer to Eye of Prophecy article: Will All Children Be Taken in the Rapture? (posted 2-23-19).

In the Epilogue of O Israel, one of the main characters (Avram Levitt) posts his final email to those left behind at the Rapture, which had taken place about a year earlier. Beginning with:

Why were only some of the children taken on that fateful day? Why were more children left behind than taken? … Are there answers to these difficult and heart-wrenching questions? Yes, I believe there are, but they will not be fully understood until Messiah returns to earth to set up his kingdom.

Then referring to Noah’s flood and Sodom and Gomorrah followed by the passage in I Corinthians Chapter 7, Avram explains why the children (age of innocence) of those taken (raptured) were also taken. But the children of those left behind were also left behind. That God did not spare the children in the first world-wide judgment (Noah’s flood) nor in the regional judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah and surrounding cities.

Avram continues:

Both Noah and Lot were allowed to take their children with them, although the children were grown. So, too, the Lord took the children of believers to spare them from the devastation to come. I realize this is a harsh explanation. Yet God left your children with you as both a comfort and a conviction. He wants you to understand there is still time. But this time is shorter than ever before in history.

Listen to the prophet Micah: “…Should we sacrifice our firstborn children to pay for our sins? No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:7-8).

The Bible also says there is no one who is righteous, for all have sinned…. Scripture says that all have fallen short of his beautiful and perfect standard of holiness, of the essence of his glory. How then is it possible to do what is right?

“Yet God with underserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins” (Romans 3:24).

Essential Number Seven: Believers Will Be Like Messiah Jesus

Not only will the raptured transformation (the extreme makeover of raised-from-the-dead believer’s remains and of living believer’s bodies) be a profound privilege to possess the same kind of indestructible body as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The spiritual bodies of believers will also be a physical necessity to live in the Kingdom of God on earth during our millennial reign with Messiah Jesus and forever in heaven (New Jerusalem).

Please see Eye of Prophecy article, Spiritual Bodies … A Contradiction of Terms? Part I & II (9-26, 10-3-15).

Listen to the Holy Spirit inspired words of the Apostle John as he reminds Christians:

“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him. Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is. And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure, just as he is pure” (I John 3:1-3, emphasis added).

An excerpt from another Eye of Prophecy post concerning the Rapture: Superhuman Bodies for Believers / How & Why (posted 12-14-19):

Here’s how the Apostle Paul explained it to the believers in Corinth, some of whom doubted there was such a thing as bodily resurrection:

“And if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless, and you are still guilty of your sins. In that case, all who have died believing in Christ are lost!” (I Corinthians 15:16-18).

Obviously, Paul was speaking of a physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave. In the early verses of this same chapter, Paul reminded the believers that: “…Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said. He was seen by Peter and then by the Twelve. After that, he was seen by more than 500 of his followers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died” (I Corinthians 15:3-6).

To them, being born-again was (only) a spiritual phenomenon. That believers would spend eternity in spirit-form only…. Paul wanted them to understand that their spirit was born again (made alive), but their bodies also would undergo a rebirth as it were … in the same manner that Messiah Jesus was transfigured….

Said Jesus to Nicodemus: “Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘You must be born again’” (John 3:6-7).

The Apostle Paul proclaimed that the immediate result of believing and receiving Messiah Jesus as personal Savior is a revival of our human spirit which had been dead (to God). “Once you were dead (referring to the human spirit) because of your disobedience and your many sins” (Ephesians 2:1, parenthesis mine).

As a result of Biblical salvation, we are first resurrected spiritually from the dead. Paul goes on to say:

“But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!) For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:4-6, parenthesis in the text).

There was even more to God’s magnificent plan of salvation than spiritual rebirth.

…As clearly contained in Scripture (both Old and New Testaments), the Kingdom of God will be a physical kingdom on earth beginning with the Millennial Reign of Christ after the Great Tribulation. In order to live forever in that Kingdom as well as heaven itself, there must be a resurrection and transformation of our temporal earthly bodies into a boundless body (not bound or limited by time, physics, disease, disabilities, pain, aging, or even by death). Until then, it is the Kingdom of Heaven that has been established in the hearts and minds of believers.

The eternal life spoken of by Jesus (and others in the Bible) clearly conveys the continuance of life as it was meant to be when God created Adam and Eve; their complete being—body, soul, and spirit. Their body was meant to live forever along with their soul and spirit.

Things to Ponder

Jesus means so much in so many ways to so many people. Beginning with: “But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12).

Jesus declared (promised): “…I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying” (John 11:25).

There is no greater thing (truth) than to know beyond any doubt whatsoever that Messiah Jesus arose from the dead. It is an historical fact.

His resurrection is the very essence of our redemption; proving that:

And proving that he is: “…our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ…” (Titus 2:13).

“God promised this Good News long ago through his prophets in the holy Scriptures. The Good News is about his Son. In his earthly life he was born into King David’s family line, and he was shown (more proof) to be the Son of God when he was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 1:2-4, parenthesis mine).

The Rapture will be resurrection from the dead for millions of saints. It is also the transfiguration of believers from our old earthly bodies to our new spiritual bodies (yet bodies, nonetheless).

“…we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us. We were given this hope when we were saved…” (Romans 8:23-24).

Mortal to immortal!

“Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, the Scripture will be fulfilled: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 15:54-57).

If you want to refer to the essentials of the Rapture more often and/or discuss them with others, then you may want to print the following list as a handy reference guide:

Essential Number One: The Rapture Is Real

Essential Number Two: The Rapture Precedes The Great Tribulation

Essential Number Three: The Rapture & Physical Return of Christ Are Different Events

Essential Number Four: Only the Transformation (Itself) of Believers Will Take Place in the Blink of an Eye

Essential Number Five: The Rapture Will Be Seen and Heard by Those Left Behind

Essential Number Six: Only Some Children Will Be Taken

Essential Number Seven: Believers Will Be Like Messiah Jesus