Ten months and ten days since my last article.

It’s good to be back!

There were legitimate reasons for the interlude. Okay … I’ll settle for a few practical excuses!

Bad News: I’m getting older.

Good News: I’m (still) getting older. As in alive, sitting in a mostly upright position at my desk in front of the keyboard. Thank you, Lord, for the ability to see, hear, stand, walk, and talk!

Bad News/Good News: It takes me twice as long to get half as much done. But I can keep it to that formula most of the time!

Well, a little humor to begin this article … emphasis on little.

Time to move on to the scene that has seized world attention, that has spawned headlines for over a month. Because it’s not only difficult but somewhat inappropriate to even try to be a little funny; considering the most hideous event experienced by Israel since the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Some are saying—in terms of deliberate targeting of and brutality against innocent Jewish civilians—the most awful atrocity since the Holocaust.

So much so that Israel immediately declared (all-out) war on the terrorist organization Hamas of the Gaza Strip; unprecedented in contrast to previous Israeli (more) measured responses to the launching of missiles and mortars into Israel from Gaza or much smaller “lone wolf” type assaults. But then, Hamas’ gruesome raid within Israel proper was beyond compare in scope and severity. Both Hamas’ terrorists and Palestinian civilians poured into Israel to torture, rape, burn alive, and slaughter with guns and knives.

Then, to further humiliate Israel mercilessly; the taking of some 240 hostages, from six-month-old babies to a 90+ year-old Israeli woman—a survivor of the Holocaust.

Undoubtedly some or all the well-known passage from the book of Ecclesiastes has been quoted by a few, particularly Jewish and Christian authors who have written about the brutal attack on Israeli Jews. Which was launched deliberately on the Jewish Sabbath. Moreover, on the final day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), one of the most joyous Jewish High Holidays. Also, just one day past the 50th anniversary of the Syrian and Egyptian attack on Israel during Jewish observance of Yom Kippur (1973).

I’ll limit the excerpt from the following verses, to be contemplated mostly in the context of Israel’s justified reprisal.

“For everything there is a season… A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance… A time to love and time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace” (Ecclesiastes 3:1a; 3-4; 8).

Because Allah, the god of Islam, is NOT (repeat for emphasis—NOT) the true and living God of the Bible—the great I AM, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—the Muslims have a completely different script for their religion … the Koran. Portions of that book record the Islamic god’s command to persecute, subjugate, and kill infidels, which notably are almost entirely Jews and Christins. But also, other Muslims, depending on whether a Muslim is Shi-ite or Sunni.

Naturally then, Muslims pay no attention to this Ecclesiastes passage or any other part of the Bible as the very Word of God. Which has been proven to be supernaturally divine by the many miracles throughout Scripture performed either by Father God or by his Son (Jesus) or by the Holy Spirit. Plus, the hundreds of documented fulfilled prophecies and dozens more awaiting fulfillment.

Conversely, the Koran is virtually void of miracles or prophecies.

The Horrendous Hatred and Bestial Brutality of It All

Islamic terrorists and those both actively and passively expressing their pleasure over the massacres committed by (so-called) human beings that acted and continue to act like animals of prey, have entirely inverted and perverted the phrase, “A time to” used in all eight verses of this Chapter 3 passage.

“A time to kill” is reserved exclusively for Israel’s declaration of war, the goals of which are basically three-fold: To save and return as many of the hostages as possible; to punish Hamas for this unbelievably brutal attack on Israeli Jews; to see to it that it will NEVER AGAIN happen, by destroying the monstrous beast called Hamas. All the while doing Israel’s very best to avoid Gazan civilian casualties—despite Hamas blatantly using their own people as protective shields.

Whereas the savage killing done by Hamas was undeniably just plain Murder.

“A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.”

Who with any trace of morality or conscience would laugh and dance over the unspeakable agony suffered by innocent slaughtered Israelis, and the anguish of the injured and of family survivors? That is exactly what thousands of Palestinians did—in both Gaza and Judea/Samaria, known in secular terms as the West Bank—shortly after (what they profanely labeled) the “victorious” invasion of Israel. Not only Muslim Arabs in Israel, but Muslims in other Islamic countries and immigrated Muslims to Western nations, such as United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany. Even in the United States.


I used the word unspeakable.

But we must speak of it. And there are many more words than sickening; intensely sorrowful words that have been written and uttered by families of the Israeli victims (indeed, by all Israelis) and by numerous op-ed authors. Words spoken often through media broadcasts during interviews with notable politicians, military analysts, and celebrities whose sensibilities have been shocked—along with all of us who are appalled at the magnitude of this abominable attack on Israeli Jews.

One of, if not the main reason deceitfully offered by Israel’s enemies is that of Israeli “occupation” of (so-called) Palestinian Territories. Whether the West Bank or Golan Heights or the Gaza Strip, Israel has never occupied (in the negative connotation of the word) any of these areas. During Israel’s total victory in the Six-Day War of June 1967, they retook all the land that was rightfully theirs. Which is unequivocally justified by historical standards and by International Law, i.e., a nation’s right to claim or reclaim (in Israel’s case) land from which they are attacked by their enemies to prevent/preempt future incursions.

Arabs flatly rejected the opportunity to establish their own state as set forth by a United Nations Resolution of 1947. Instead, five Arab nations attacked the Jews the day after Israel’s declaration of statehood on May 14, 1948. When Arab nations were on the brink of attacking Israel in May-June of 1967, Israel preemptively struck Egypt and Syria. And one more conventional war in 1973—in which Israel was completely caught off guard, mostly because her people were observing the most Holy Day of Yom Kippur.

Even then Israel eventually agreed to the now infamous Oslo Accords of 1993, wherein the designated Part A of Judea/Samaria was to be inhabited solely by Israeli Jews but is now being encroached upon by unlawful Palestinian construction, both residential and business. Parts B & C were set aside for Palestinians, governed by the Palestinian Authority. With some of this territory still under final Israeli authority—to hunt down Palestinian terrorists who maim and murder Israelis, then flee back to the West Bank. To also thwart planned terrorists acts that have been exposed by Israeli intelligence.

Strong Evidence for Majority Palestinian Support of Terrorism

In the greater global community, there has been a growing misperception and outright distortion that Palestinian civilians (non-terrorist) have been intimidated, subjugated, and otherwise held hostage by Hamas. That the majority of Palestinians in Gaza want peace with Israel.

Public opinion polls in Gaza (and the West Bank) prove these claims to be inaccurate.

In an article originally posted in the online site of Jewish News Syndicate on October 27, 2023, then reposted in Prophecy News Watch website, we read: “Hamas enjoys widespread support among Gaza’s civilian population, which voted Hamas into power and would likely do so again. This support finds expression not only in public opinion polls, but in active participation in Hamas attacks.

“According to an average of polls conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research during 2022, approximately 60% of the Strip’s residents on average supported the ‘armed struggle’ (i.e., terrorist attacks) against Israel…. In March 2023 support for armed struggle among Gaza residents rose to 68%.

“According to the same poll, in a hypothetical election between Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, 61% of Gazans would back Haniyeh while only 35% would vote for Abbas… In a June 2023 PCPSR poll, support for Haniyeh rose to 65%, compared to 30% for Abbas, whereas support for armed struggle was at 64%.”

Continuing with that article: “Following the October 7 massacre, waves of Gazan civilians entered Israel and took part in the pogrom. Footage from a security camera at Kibbutz Be’eri shows a mob of Gazan civilians invading the kibbutz to pillage it. Gazan civilians also participated in the second wave of kidnappings of Israel civilians to Gaza….

“One such terrible picture was revealed this week at the UN as Israel released the audio of a terrorist who phoned his family to brag of killing Jews. The audio recording was found on the recovered phone of murdered Israeli woman…”

For both time/space and because the recording is hideous, I’ll repeat only two lines of the terrorist’s conversation with his parents:

“Dad, I’m talking to you from a Jewish woman’s phone. I killed her, and I killed her husband. I killed 10 with my own hands.

‘Oh, my son, God bless you,’ the father cries emotionally. The mother also expresses enthusiasm.”

A Spine-Chilling Comparison (Public support in Germany of Hitler and his Third Reich’s Final Solution of the Jewish Problem. Commonly known as The Holocaust)

Untold volumes, an abundance of media/online productions, and countless commentaries have dealt with the worst mass atrocity in human history— contemptuous, calculated, and cold-blooded genocidal murder of six million Jews by and through megalomanic Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich. I, too, have studied extensively the evidence preceding, during, and following the Holocaust, and have written about it periodically.

In the context of today’s article, only a nutshell summary will be offered: Beginning with excerpts from the Website of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, specifically the Q&A segment. I’ll also provide some commentary.

“By the end of the war in 1945, the Germans and their collaborators had killed nearly two out of every three European Jews.”

[Please refer to Eye of Prophecy article, Two-Thirds of Jews Killed … Past or Future? (Posted 9-19-2015). This is one of the more personal, poignant articles I’ve written. Among other features, there are two highlights: (1) That, phenomenally, the Bible (Zachariah 13) does predict the Holocaust, including details that include the actual percentage (2/3) of Jews who would be killed. With evidence to demonstrate this is precisely what took place during the Holocaust. (2) Which answers the question posed in the title: is it a past event (during the 20th century) or is it yet to come during the Great Tribulation?]

(Jewish women struggling to survive at Auschwitz … one of innumerable photos/videos of the Holocaust)

Continuing with the US Holocaust Memorial article: “The Nazis believed that Germans were racially superior. They believed the Jews were a threat to the so-called German racial community.

“Antisemitism, the fear, or hatred of Jews (absurd, unfounded motives; irrational, incomprehensible reasons), existed in Europe for centuries before the Holocaust…. Many Germans were willing to tolerate Nazi antisemitism. Hitler… blamed Jews for all of German’s problems” (Parenthesis mine).

*Note: Arabs and non-Arab Muslims worldwide including, of course, Arab Palestinians who have long tolerated the “militants” (terrorists) among them, have used disgustingly similar terms to express their contemptible hatred for the Jews. Calling them sub-human, apes, pigs, slime, vermin—just as the Germans did during and before World-War II. And, conversely referring to those terrorists who are killed during terrorist attacks on innocent Israeli Jews as “Martyrs.” See Eye of Prophecy article: Can a Murderer Be A Martyr? (Published 1-30-2016).

Resuming the article: “The Holocaust was caused by many factors, including millions of individual decisions made by ordinary people who chose to actively participate in—or at least tolerate—the persecution and murder of their neighbors.”

*Note: Especially since Israel became a Nation-state again 1948, Arabs in Israel (who took over the designation of Palestinian that, since the Balfour Declaration of 1917, had been used to refer almost exclusively to the Jews living in the area known as Palestine) have actively and passively supported the four wars that Arab (Muslim) countries/armies instigated against Israel.

Commonly referred to as Israel’s War of Independence of 1948-49; Suez Canal War of 1956; Six-Day War of 1967; Yom Kippur War of 1973.

When the Arabs came to the full realization that they could not defeat Israel and drive out the Jews (from the land that the United Nations approved for Israel’s right to statehood) through conventional warfare—despite vast Arab numerical and equipment advantages—they resorted to pernicious propaganda against Jewish Israelis and jihad-motivated murderous attacks against Jewish civilians. These assaults were and still are committed primarily by individual “lone wolf” Palestinians who infiltrate Israel illegally (and some legally through work passes) and by organized terrorist organizations, e.g., Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas. But also, Israeli-Arab citizens who often live close to Jewish communities in Judea/Samaria.

However, until now, never on a scale like what happened just five weeks ago to date. Which makes this monstrous rampage and resulting casualties an unquestionable aggressive act of war by Hamas on Israel—not merely another isolated, incident going on for decades in which one, two, or sometimes several Israelis were butchered by one or a handful of Palestinian terrorists. But not 1,400 Jews in virtually one day’s time.  

A comparison could be made to the Nazi’s first organized offensive incursion into Jewish lives and property called the Kristallnacht. Referring again to the comprehensively accurate website of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Beginning with their introduction, then providing a few summary facts/figures:

“On November 9-10, 1938, Nazi leaders unleashed a series of pogroms against the Jewish population in Germany and recently incorporated territories such as annexed Austria, areas of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. This event came to be called Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass) because of the shattered glass that littered the streets after the vandalism and destruction of Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues, and homes.”

Note: Added might have been the shattering of Jewish lives throughout Germany. With the ugly, but apt association of so much destruction of Jewish homes and personal property and slaughter of so many Jews by Hamas Palestinians and even by Palestinian civilian non-combatants. However, a major difference is that Hamas conducted their carnage within Israel proper, having left their fully controlled and self-governed Gaza Strip, that had been vacated by all Jews in 2005 at the (misguided) order of then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Israeli Jews do NOT OCCUPY in the negative sense of the term any part of Israel—including Golan Heights, Judea/Samaria, and Gaza. Land which they reclaimed in the Six-Day War. Moreover, there’s not one single Jew left in the Gaza Strip since their forced removal to other parts of Israel nearly 20 years ago. In that context, Hamas’ invasion of Israel was not due in any way, shape, or form to so-called Israeli “occupation.” Which is one of the deceitful narratives fabricated by Palestinians and Muslims the world over and believed by millions of the uninformed or gullibly misled. Not unlike the patently false accusations of “ethnic cleansing or apartheid.”

(One of many photos of the 2005 eviction of Jewish resident citizens of the Gaza Strip–most of them against their will)

The Kristallnacht article goes on to say that mobs of SA men roamed the streets, attacking the Jews in their houses and forcing Jews they encountered to perform acts of public humiliation. Although the “official figure for Jewish deaths, released by German officials … was 91,” subsequent scholarship evidence indicates hundreds were killed, both directly and indirectly those who later died of their injuries. Nazi-type facts/figures (through misinformation) are in similar fashion frequently exaggerated by Palestinian propaganda, especially concerning casualties. With one difference: the Germans deliberately underinflated the count … whether their own casualties or those they killed. Whereas the Palestinian terror cells and the Palestinian Authority often inflate the casualty count—whether their own or of the Jews.

Some 30,000 Jews—mostly men were rounded-up by German troops; many of them then hauled to prisons in Dachau, Buchenwald, and other locations, which subsequently became concentration camps where millions more were murdered.

On a smaller scale, Hamas took some 240 Jewish civilians and (some) soldiers as hostages back to Gaza; however, the parallel is still pertinent and poignant. The world is watching/waiting to see what Hamas will do with these hostages.

Global Response to Hamas’ Savage Aggression in Israel

Antisemitism was prevalent throughout Germany, other parts of Europe, and virtually all of Russia, particularly during the last half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century. This began to subside when Kristallnacht took place. Most national leaders and many of their peoples were appalled at what the Nazi’s (with toleration and even participation of otherwise “neutral” Germans) did to the Jews in a short period of time. Condemnations of this (beginning of) Nazi barbarism came from many nations and world-leaders.

Then, due principally to the Holocaust, Antisemitism abated sharply with exception of far-right groups such as Neo-Nazis. Also, by the far-left mindset of Communism. Sadly, since the 21st century exploded on the scene (being facetious, however, many presumed a lot of things such as computers or civilization itself would explode!), Antisemitism has begun to rear its ugly head. First and foremost, in Muslim controlled nations, spreading to South America, into Europe and other Western Nations, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and even the United States.

So much so that, despite global denunciation (rightfully so) by prominent world figures, there disgustingly has been public support (via college/university professors and student groups, demonstrations, protest marches and speeches, social media, and by political leaders at all levels) from many countries to different degrees for the Palestinian agenda. The most obvious of which is a warped validation of Hamas to include no mention of what this gang of murderers did to the Jews (and how they did it), all the while blasting Israel for disproportional retaliation, including “war crimes.”

This expresses and epitomizes the political, social, religious, and economic polarity dividing communities, cities, districts, states, provinces, and nations. More than that; it is the ultimate demonstration of human hatred largely from those who preach tolerance, diversity, and inclusion. Their very abhorrence of those they think are intolerant is as intolerant as it gets.

To endorse the revolting scenes of Palestinian/Muslim celebrating in the streets, cheering the deaths of so many Jews is more evidence of what can only be considered as moral decay resulting from a depraved conscience.

It is a complete lack of integrity, morality and all that is right and decent. It is (as we will see later) calling evil good and good evil, calling darkness light and light darkness.

(This was part of a video replayed in the aftermath of the invasion. Shows a kidnapped Jewish woman being forced into a vehicle by a Hamas terrorist)

At least the Germans were more refined and subdued in their complicity with what Nazi (terrorists) did to the Jews, beginning with Kristallnacht almost exactly 85 years ago. With several Holocaust era Jewish children (at that time) still alive on this earth to witness yet another smaller, but nevertheless just as horrific, Holocaust.

Concerning the inexplicable, nonetheless, inexcusable backing for Hamas, both directly and indirectly (calls for humanitarian cease-fire with no or only token denunciation of Hamas’s atrocities that started this ugly war), and insistence that Israel avoid civilian casualties at all costs—meaning, if necessary, more IDF soldiers must die—I’ll refer to only two of hundreds of incidents/examples from the past few weeks.

(1) Individual: Although I’m choosing one of the most virulently outspoken critics of Israel (baselessly blaming Israel/Jews for anything and everything happening to Palestinians), she is seemingly a representative mouthpiece for many Muslims the world-over.

She is one of the so-called “Progressive Squad” US House of Representatives Democrats alongside of Ilan Omar (Minnesota), Rashid Tlaib (Michigan), Jamael Bowman (New York), Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (New York), and a couple of others. She is Cori Bush of Missouri.

Repeating the totally false and completely unsupported accusation that Israel is an “apartheid state,” Cori Bush said that she is advancing a “pro-peace agenda.”

Observation: Seriously?! As though no-one else is pushing for peace (but at what cost). As if Israeli Jews will be content to sit idly by while 1,400 of their own—including many women and children—were slaughtered ruthlessly by the dregs of human society. To meekly agree to a cease-fire for such a noble purpose (sarcasm intended) of a pro-peace agenda. An agenda that Hamas would spontaneously spit-on and monstrously misuse to kill more Jews.

On what planet does Cori Bush (and others like her) live?

Why doesn’t she ask any Hamas official of her choosing if Hamas wants any peace whatsoever with the “hated Jews.” The only peace they want is a piece of Israel, then another, then another. Until the entire Jewish nation of Israel is Arab/Muslim. To accomplish their genocidal ambition against the Jews: From the River to the Sea, Palestine must be free. Adding to that: “Until no Jews will we see.”

She went on to say: “Israel’s collective punishment against Palestinians for Hamas’s actions is a war crime. I strongly condemn Hamas and their appalling violations of human rights, but violations of human rights don’t justly more human rights violation in retaliation.”

Observations: First, it’s obvious that her condemnation of Hamas is strictly self-serving; to prove a broader point, that is flawed in the first place. If she had followed her criticism of Hamas with something to the effect that, Israel’s retaliation was justifiably necessary with a goal of preventing more massacres by eliminating the source itself—Hamas, it would be in keeping with Israel’s national and individual rights as a sovereign nation-state. Why? Because Hamas’ unprovoked savage assault by over 2,000 terrorists was indisputably an invasion and an “act of war.” It was not merely a violation of human rights. Nor is Israel’s response such a violation. Which is why Israel officially declared (a) war against Hamas.

Human rights violation is principally a civil (rights) / criminal offense handled by city, country, state, national law enforcement and peacetime courts of law. War crimes involve tribunals to arrest, indict, and try “war criminals.” Moreover, international law and time-tested rules of engagement allow a nation (people) who have been attacked aggressively by another nation, territory, or people to defend itself. Which could, and often does, mean going into the aggressor’s land-space to take out the enemy. This includes civilian casualties if, in fact, the only way to eliminate the enemy (in this case Hamas) is the unfortunate collateral damage to non-combatants. Frankly, as pertaining to Hamas, Israel’s actions are even more warranted. Because it’s crystal clear that Hamas uses its own civilian population as human shields to protect their soldiers and equipment.

When Cori Bush and her equally groundless progressives began to throw out terms like “human rights violations”, they first need to define those terms objectively, morally, and legally. Without any subjective interpretations based upon what is also crystal clear—their built-in prejudice against and animosity toward Israel and Jews.

(2) National: World opinion, summarized by power point excerpts from an article posted in Gatestone Institute on-line website on November 1, 2023, by Alain Destexhe, entitled, France and the European Union Are No Friends of Israel. Beginning with:

– “At the recent European Summit in Brussels, the heads of state and government did not make the call for ‘humanitarian pauses’ conditional on the release of the Israeli and foreign hostages held in Gaza by Hamas.”

– “Thirty-five French citizens were murdered by Hamas on October 7, and nine others are being held hostage (among approximately 230 hostages), but France wants to provide aid to those who are holding them.”

– “…Hamas has been hoarding the food and medicine intended for the suffering people of Gaza… Cement for ‘rebuilding Gaza’ has instead been diverted to building attack tunnels, and water pipes from the European Union are made into rockets…”

– “…France and the European Union should have made their aid to Gaza conditional on the hostages’ release and stated that no ‘humanitarian’ aid will be provided until Hamas releases them. Hamas has created this situation, not Israel.”

Then the article goes on to report the result of the Summit’s vote: “Last week, with 120 votes in favor, 15 against and 45 abstentions, the United Nations General Assembly passed a shameful resolution calling for a ceasefire and humanitarian corridors in Gaza—without condemning the crimes of Hamas…”

(Shows the French hostages–children–taken by Hamas)

A Far More Truthful, Meaningful, and Balanced Counterpoint

Taken from World Israel News Staff online report of October 30, 2023. With heading of, Netanyahu: Heeding ceasefire calls is tantamount to surrender.

“(Israel’s) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday said growing calls for a ceasefire are calls for Israel to surrender. Hours later, the Biden administration said it also rejected the notion of a ceasefire.”

Said Netanyahu, “Calls for a ceasefire are a call for Israel to surrender to Hamas, to surrender to terror, to surrender to barbarism. That will not happen. Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible says that there is a time for peace and a time for war. This is a time for war.

“The horrors that Hamas perpetrated on October 7 remind us that we will not realize the promise of a better future unless we, the civilized world, are willing to fight the barbarians. Because the barbarians are ready to fight us… and usher in a world of fear and darkness…

“Israel did not start this war. Israel did not want this war. But Israel will win this war.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu continued with his poignant, penetrating, and powerful portrayal of Hamas’ sadistic strike against Israeli Jews (and some foreigners), calling it, “the worst savagery our people have seen since the Holocaust. Hamas murdered children in front of their parents, murdered parents in front of their children. They burned people alive, they raped women, they beheaded men, they tortured Holocaust survivors, they kidnapped babies.”

He continued: “In fighting Hamas and the Iranian axis of terror, Israel is fighting the enemies of civilization itself. It begins with knowing the difference between good and evil, between right and wrong… It means making a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent and the unintentional casualties that accompany every legitimate war.”

Benjamin concluded with: “While Israel is doing everything to get Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way, Hamas is doing everything to keep Palestinian civilians in harm’s way. Israel will stand against the forces of barbarism until victory. I hope and pray that civilized nations will back this fight…

“Regardless of who stands with Israel, Israel will fight until this battle is won. And Israel will prevail.”

(Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leading a public tribute to the Israeli victims of the massacre by Hamas)

At the risk of making today’s Eye of Prophecy Post too long, I’m still compelled to provide one more segment to emphasize the excruciating enormity of this event. Then in the next article to present a clarified context and pertinent perspective of this shocking attack on Israel—through Biblical and contemporary correlations to these prophetic last days of the end times.

Leaving Nothing to the Imagination … Getting More Graphic with More Words

Some of these words you may have heard, read, or uttered since this monstrous attack on Israel:

Adjectives describing the repulsive rampage: Brutal, detestable, abhorrent, revolting, loathsome, malicious, horrendous, horrific, hateful, malevolent, cruel, vicious, severe, savage, ruthless, atrocious, heartless, inhumane, depraved, violent (exceptionally so), wicked, and (of course) Evil—with a capital “E.”

Nouns or verbs depicting the atrocious acts: Slaughter, murderers, massacre, carnage, torment, butchers, bloodshed, executioners (of innocents), torture, pain (inflicted by the terrorists on Israeli Jews), rape (rapists), beheading, and general suffering—of the worst kind such as agonizingly slow deaths by burning children and removing babies from a pregnant woman’s abdomen.

No, I don’t think the repetition of these dreadful terms is overkill (pardon the expression).

They are unspeakable utterances that need to be shouted from the rooftops of those who embrace all that is good and right and decent and moral. Knowing that any trace of integrity, conscience, and morality is nonexistent in terrorists. Opposing those who openly or tacitly support these depraved human beings … more animal than human. Who senselessly and pitilessly follow a religion of hate, lies, deceit, that results in persecution of the Jewish and Christian infidels, and cold-blooded murder as promoted by their religious writings.

God, through the prophet Isaiah, powerfully pronounces an indictment of this inversion, perversion, and twisting of truth:

“What sorrow for those who drag their sins behind them with ropes made of lies, who drag wickedness behind them like a cart! They even mock God and say, ‘Hurry up and do something! We want to see what you can do. Let the Holy One of Israel carry out his plan for we want to know what it is.’

“What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter” (Isaiah 5:18-20).

This passage expressly characterizes the malevolent mindset of militant Islamists and sadly of millions of non-militant Muslims (that do not actively engage in terrorism) who, nevertheless, support whatever it takes to eliminate Israel. Most Muslims do not want a two-state solution, which is why they (through their leaders) have rejected their own state at least four times since 1947. They don’t want a state alongside of Israel; they want another Arab state instead of Israel.


As is said: Be careful what you wish for.

The mocking of God as depicted in the first part of this excerpt from Isaiah Chapter 5 follows their badly mistaken notion of any visible action from God—through his special possession Israel and for his chosen people, the Jews.

Hamas took it upon themselves to be the spearhead of a Koran ordered Jihad (so-called holy war) to undertake the mass murder of (some 1,400) Jews in less than two days’ time … not experienced since the Holocaust. With the most cowardly, sadistic kind of warfare—murdering innocent Israelis then retreating with hostages to the Gaza Strip to hide behind their own people, who’s inadvertent deaths fall entirely on the heads of Hamas.

They and all those who come against Israel, present and future, will pay a heavy price. Despite Israeli setbacks, the Jews will prevail. The geopolitical phase began with the Balfour Declaration of 1917, followed even more dramatically with the rebirth of the sovereign State of Israel in 1948 and the Jews War of Independence victory against impossible odds.

Then even more so with the amazing Israeli victory in the Six-Day War which included the liberation of Jerusalem, the Holy City of the Holy Promised Land of ISRAEL—to further reinforce the Biblical God-given promise that this (tiny) nation would belong to the descendants of Abraham, Issac (not Ishmael), and Jacob forever. Which also includes the miraculous return of Jews from the four corners of the earth, as prophesied in the Bible dozens of times.

“The day is near when I, the Lord, will judge all godless nations! As you have done to Israel, so it will be done to you. All your evil deeds will fall back on your own heads. Just as you swallowed up my people on my holy mountain, so you and the surrounding nations will swallow the punishment I pour out on you. Yes, all you nations will drink and stagger and disappear from history” (Obadiah 1:15-16).

What the Lord says he will do is always done. What he says will happen, always happens. The proof is in the miraculously and prophetically fulfilled pages of the Bible coupled with what has transpired … especially in the last 75 years.

Through the ages and especially conspicuous in the 20th & 21st century, we see God accomplishing his two-part plan: (1) Israel established, conquered, then reborn as a Jewish Nation-State and the Jewish people returning from exile over the world. (2) Salvation through a New Covenant for Jew and Gentile alike. Implemented by the death, burial, and astounding resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus of Nazareth.

The next Eye of Prophecy article will explore two dynamic ways that God has and will continue to complete Israel’s and mankind’s destiny. (A) Providential. (B) Sovereign.

Because Israel is crucial in God’s ultimate plan/purpose, we’ll look closely at the three R’s (two parts each) that vibrantly portray her past, present, and future; how/when God exercises divine control—despite enemies like Hamas and Iran who have sworn to wipe Israel from the face of the earth:

Rebirth & Return; Recognition & Repentance; Redemption & Restoration 

Plus, the Preview of Two Coming Invasions of Israel during the Great Tribulation!

Things to Ponder

I love the Lord my God … Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Accordingly, I also love Israel and the Jews (chosen for the purpose of extending the light of the Lord’s salvation truth to the Jews first then to the Gentiles through Messiah Jesus). Thus, I must passionately proclaim Isaiah’s powerful promise:

“Because I love Zion, I will not keep still. Because my heart years for Jerusalem, I cannot remain silent. I will not stop praying for her until her righteousness shines like the dawn, and her salvation blazes like a burning torch. The nations will see your righteousness. World leaders will be blinded by your glory…

“The Lord has sworn to Jerusalem by his own strength: ‘I will never again hand you over to your enemies. Never again will foreign warriors come and take away your grain and new wine” (Isaiah 62:1-2a & 8).

This promise carries the clear connotation of a larger, more permanent conquest of Israel such as undertaken by Assyria, Babylon, and the Roman Empire, culminating in the worst of all—the Holocaust. But despite the horrendous carnage inflicted, not the temporary one-day Hamas intrusion into Israel.

The LORD will see to it!